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Hosted by LearnSkin, the Dermatology Fundamentals Conference serves as a comprehensive introductory overview or a refresher on skin disease diagnosis and treatment of conditions commonly seen in clinic for practitioners and students specializing in dermatology.
DFC bridges gaps in dermatology education to increase confidence in identifying and managing patients with common skin concerns.
The DFC is brought to you by LearnSkin, a dedicated group of dermatologists & integrative medicine practitioners. Their goal is to share the latest scientific research and treatment options in dermatology for both Western and Eastern medicine to meet the growing demand for responsible, high quality, & evidence-based education bridging conventional and complementary medical approaches.
LearnSkin programs are designed to provide clinicians like you with skills that expand past what was learned in school, residency, and traditional conferences with the hope you inspire change in your patients and reach better outcomes in their overall care.
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